Friday, September 21, 2018

levelFILM review - Fahrenheit 11/9

Starting with the day before the 2016 U.S. Presidential Michael Moore takes the pulse of the American people on a day where it seemed a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton would be President through the turbulent election day and into the wee hours of the following morning when Donald Trump wad declared the 45th President of the United States. Moore also dissects the reason behind Trump's rise using Governor Rick Snyder from his beloved home state of Michigan as the test case.

Hillary Clinton was on her way to the White House according to all of the pundits. Donald Trump had no path to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win but something strange started to happen as election night rolled on. First Trump won Ohio, then Florida followed by Michigan and Pennsylvania meaning that was that. Moore's analysis of how could the happen pointed to two things Gwen Stefani and the Democrats tendency to compromise.

The other main thread in the piece are the events that occurred in Flint. Rick Snyder a businessman just like Trump the former head of Gateway computers won the Gubernatorial to support his friends therefore, he authorized an unneeded pipeline from Lake Huron to Flint. the pipeline was being built the residence had to get water from the polluted Flint river leading to heath problems for the residents.

Moore also looks at his history with the Trumps. He played nicely on talk show with Trump.  Jared Kushner hosted an event for his film Sicko and on election night Fox news used his name as the only voice sounding the warning when Hillary was busy meeting with donors while Trump was doing two rallies a day.

The director is always at his best when he talks to the common people be it an ex-military vet running for congress  Richard Ojeda in West Virginia, an upset primary winner Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from the Bronx, a group of committed teachers from West Virginia or kids from Parkland High School in Florida who saw the shooting at their high school as one too many. He also continues his tradition of just showing up which he does at both the Governor's office and the official residence.

Fahrenheit 11/9 is a mirroring of his prior closely named film that Moore shows visually with the title credit at the beginnings of the film. No one escapes his wrath from the Democrat establishment to Obama himself for his stunt during his visit to Flint. The narrative goes a bit too far with some comparables laid out for Trump. But in the end, Trump is in the White House due to apathy. Moore pushes the positive a the end pointing to the young activists and new voices coming forward to run for office that could spark a change.

*** Out of 4.

Fahrenheit 11/9 | Michael Moore | U.S.A. | 2018 | 128 Minutes.

Tags: 2016 Presidential Election, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party, Flint Michigan, Lead, Activism, Grassroots Democracy, Teachers Strike.

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