Writer-Director Tran Than Huy brings the audience into the seedy sections of the Vietnam capital. The streets are crowded, roads as common as small canals, residence small meaning the inhabitants flow into the street. The daily lottery when the numbers are announced 4:30 P.M. sharp encompasses their hopes and dreams. The two rivals at the centre of the piece scale sides of buildings, run along terraces, hop on and off the back of buses in a parakeet like dance to deliver their slips of paper on time. However, there is a real downside to this industry. It is illegal, people get ripped off, the cops are lurking around every corner ready to shut things down. On top of everything in Rom's neighborhood, the greedy landlords of his embattled community are measuring the size of their homes with a plan to run out the residence to develop the area.
Rom's hopes are to earn enough money to find his parents. He often rests on the street across from the now abandoned apartment buildings where he used to live. His parents had told him to wait in that spot as they would be right back but he has not seen them since. He takes a beating for his job is emotionally bruised and scarred but maintains his optimism and hope in the face of all the adversity thrown his way.
Rom is a story that is the lived experiences of poor people all over the world. Lotteries have long been know as a tax on the poor. A chance to think about escaping your situation but those hopes are dashed when your numbers are not announced but given the alternative, the locals are willing to borrow money to take their shot again the next week. But if that debt gets too high extreme measures could result. Director Tran Than Huy is using his lens to tell a story that might affect some change. It's a bold effort stocked with physical, dramatic, and engaging performances making it a must to watch.
**** Out of Four.
Rom | Tran Thanh Huy | Vietnam | 2019 | 79 Minutes.
Tags: Lottery, Runners, Debts, Lottery Dealers, Bookies, Ho Chi Min City, Lucky Numbers.
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